Roberto La Paglia


Canale Youtube / Youtube Channel



Aa.Vv. Extraterrestrials and aliens   Aa.Vv. Alien abductions
Alex Collier - Defending sacre ground   Allen Hynek - The Hynek Ufo report
Andrew Collins - The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race   Art Greenfield - Warning Alien Agenda Revealed
Barry H. Downing - The Bible and Flying Saucers   Billy Meier - First Contact
Brad Johnson - Lyra Earth Connection   Brad Steiger - Strangers From The Skies
Bud_Hopkins_-_Sight_Unseen   Branton - The Dulce Book
Budd Hopkins - Missing Time   Carl Sagan - Cosmos
Clifford Stone - UFOs Are Real   Colin Andrews - Crop Circles Signs of Contact
Courtney Brown - Cosmic Explorers   Coral Lorenzen - The Startling Evidence of the Invasion From Outer Space
D.A.J. Seargent - UFOs A Scientific Enigma